
When we think of transformation, we automatically think of metamorphosis or change. One of the first metamorphoses we discover as a child is the universally quoted change of the caterpillar into the butterfly. The positive symbolism of this transformation is liberally applied to illustrate the change from “ugly duckling” to “elegant swan” in all fields.

This symbolism readily transfers to just about any change for the better. The guidance of individuals who have experienced positive change with mentoring, have taken calculated risks, and enjoyed accomplishments in their field may be seen as role models. We also note that the transformations of the PremierExperts® in
this book are not limited by “dollars and cents” measurement, but include body, mind and soul accomplishments.

The transforming experiences discussed by the PremierExperts® in this book cover many subjects, including positive mindset changes, changes wrought by perseverance, passion, due diligence, restructuring, technology, systems, techniques, etc. In fact, they cover positive changes that cut across numerous disciplines and fields.

So read on and TRANSFORM yourself for success!!!

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. ~ Lao Tzu